Reconnect With Your Partner and Fill Your Emotional Bank Account

Go from feeling emotionally disconnected to feeling seen, heard, and felt with simple, guided couples questions.

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Surface-level conversations and lack of depth can leave you feeling lonely.


  • Lack of intimacy.
  • Putting energy into everything else except the partnership.
  • Destructive behavior leaves you empty (over- drinking, sleeping, eating, working).
  • Feel alone, lonely, unseen.


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Even if you have other fulfilling activities, being in a partnership with someone you're disconnected from can leave you feeling isolated and heartbroken.


It's a fact -- people who have other people they're emotionally connected with fair better throughout all of life! We need safe, secure humans to help buffer us from the stress of the world. By introducing this Self Love Tool, you'll start to feel closer physically and emotionally to the one person that matters most.



You've lost that lovin' feeling...

(Time to get it back.)

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I've been where you are!


It's easy to slip into depression when you feel so alone.


But, I've been helping people connect with the root cause of their mental health issues and unhappiness for 20 years. Connecting with Your Inner Core is part of the Self Love Tools plan. (I'm pretty passionate about it.)


Time to get back on the saddle, friend.


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Get 100 Date Night Questions...


Download the Questions. 

Be sure to read the rules to know how to use the questions!


Find a comfy, quiet spot.

Quiet booth in the corner. The couch. Patio? No TV, kids, or phones allowed.


Start with Question 1.  

Be sure to follow the rules, and don't be afraid of rabbit holes.
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Download 100 Date Night Questions


In the downloadable packet, you'll receive:


  1. 100 Thought-Provoking, Conversation Inducing Questions
    (You won't be able to do these all in one sitting. Going down rabbit holes is encouraged!)

  2. Prepping for Date Night Guidelines
    (things you can do to set the mood and prepare for success)

  3. Date Night Rules
    (these need to be followed exactly as written)


The goal is to feel known by your partner, and help your partner feel known.

Buy 100 Date Night Questions

Not ready yet?


Learn the NEW Mental Health Care Model - the 8 Key Components of Good Mental Health.


Increase overall health, happiness, and well-being with 8 self-love tools.