Use these affirmations to help shift perspective and feelings.
Go from having a negative mindset, feeling purposeless, and stuck in the everydayness to feeling well-balanced in all life's most important areas.
Life has become mundane, and you've forgotten what's possible.
- Bleak life outlook.
- Stopped dreaming and setting big, hairy, audacious goals.
- Out-of-balance with life's major areas.
- Stuck in the everydayness.
- Not sure how to make headway on major goals.
Even if you already keep a process or vision journal, using affirmations and mantras are vital to the process of setting goals and mentally rehearsing for your best future self (BFS).
It's a fact -- people who dream big and set actionable goals succeed way more than those who don't. And, it's not just that you have goals, but it matters that you write them down, say them out loud, and make them part of your everyday verbiage. We need affirmations to keep us looking forward, reminding us of what's possible. Affirmations are powerful.
People who use affirmations along with goals and words of gratitude will see their dreams come to fruition way more than those who don't. By introducing this Self Love Tool of Vision Journaling, which includes affirmations, you'll get a headstart on what it takes to shift your mindset, stay purposeful, and get into balance.
Time to affirm all that's attainable!
I totally get it...
I'm a busy mom, wife, counselor, and business owner - I understand how it feels get stuck in a rut!
But, I've been helping people connect with the root cause of their mental health issues and unhappiness for 20 years. Vision Journaling, including affirmations is part of the Self Love Tools plan. (I'm pretty passionate about it.)
Let's get balanced, friend!
Get 200 Grab-n-Write Affirmations
Download the Affirmations.
Review the Pie-of-Life to assess where your life is currently out of balance.
Find the Affirmation Page You Need.
There are 25-30 affirmations per Self Love Tool (8 of them). Choose what you need!
Write, Speak, Rehearse, and Feel Empowered.
Mentally rehearse the affirmations you need by writing, speaking, and journaling about them.
Download 200 "Grab-n-Write" Affirmations
In the downloadable packet, you'll receive:
1. The "Pie-of-Life" - Use this as a guide to assess where you are out of balance in the 7 major life areas.
2. 25-30 affirmations - The affirmations are sectioned out by each major life area from the "Pie-of-Life."
3. Instructions and suggestions - Implement your affirmations into your life so that they are the most useful.
The goal is to feel purposeful, balanced, and sure.
Not ready yet?
Learn the NEW Mental Health Care Model - the 8 Key Components of Good Mental Health.
Increase overall health, happiness, and well-being
with 8 self-love tools.