#008 - How to Keep a Vision Journal visualize your best life Jan 18, 2021

We are over half way through the first month of the new year! Can you believe it?! 

Time is flying and not waiting around for us to decide what our next step is going to be. Have you mapped out wha...

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#007 - Reverse Engineer Your Life: Setting Goals for a Lifetime visualize your best life Jan 10, 2021

We survived the first week of 2021! We are officially into the new year and I hope you’re feeling motivated and ambitious! Are you visualizing what this year is going to look like for you? I hope so...

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#006 - Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals visualize your best life Jan 04, 2021

2020 did a number on all of us. How the heck are we going to make 2021 an exciting, worthwhile year? What changes do we need to make? What rituals do we need to institute? WHERE DO I START?!  It’s a...

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#005 - An Appointment With Numero Uno visualize your best life Dec 27, 2020

These days I'm hearing many of my clients and even friends talk about how frazzled, stressed, and anxious they are. There's indeed a heaviness with all of us right now, but it's also more than that....

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#004 - How do I get through the holidays when I can’t see all my family? load up on love from your inner core Dec 20, 2020

Are you feeling disconnected and alone this holiday season? That totally makes sense!
2020 has been the year of unpredictability, masks, and social distancing. Rather than dwelling on who ...
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#003 - How to Find More “Me” Time mental wellness Dec 13, 2020

When you’re busy, with a mile-long to-do list, and you’re giving to everyone but yourself -- your job, your kids, your home -- it’s hard to make time for yourself. So, how do you find more time in...
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#002 - The Single Best Thing to Inject a Little Calm Into a Crazy Day engage your body in nature Dec 08, 2020

Everyone experiences overwhelm in their lives at various times, but not everyone moves through the chaos effectively! 

For some, living with chaos feels completely normal, to the point that having ...

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#001 - Global Grief: Loving What Was, Embracing What Is mental wellness Nov 30, 2020


Hey there, I’m Dr. Jennifer Ryan, and welcome to the first episode of Dr. Jen and Friends Lovecast. 

I am so excited to jump into this podcast! Talking about human behavior is my favorite topic, a...

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