10 Naturivities to Nurture the Body and Brain engage your body in nature Apr 26, 2021

Seasons are changing and we're getting to that time of the year where we can shed a few layers of clothing and embrace the warmer weather! (yesss!)  
Not only does it just feel so good to ...
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#019 - Moving Your Body Toward Happiness engage your body in nature Apr 12, 2021
Were you on the move today? 
Finding the time in your busy schedule to move your body is hard! --and I'm not talking about running errands, cleaning, or chasing kids (even if you do rack up ...
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#018 - One Key Ingredient For Habit Change Apr 05, 2021

Have you ever created a goal but then stumbled along the way and found it hard to keep going? 
I've been there  -- more than once! It's so hard to pick yourself up and dust yourself off wh...
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#017- Intuitive Eating and Happiness: What's the Connection enrich your body with nourishing food Mar 22, 2021

Our bodies are SO good about telling us what it wants, but sometimes we aren't that great at listening. Alllllll month long we have been talking about really focusing on what our bodies are telling us...

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#016 - Gut Health + Happiness: What's the Connection? enrich your body with nourishing food Mar 15, 2021
Gut what!?
Have you ever felt sluggish, without energy, or even have a stomach ache and you are not sure why? There is a reeeeally good chance your gut is trying to tell you something.
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#015 - Healthy, Happy Meals for Busy People enrich your body with nourishing food Mar 08, 2021


One problem that I have ran into hundreds of times is wanting to make a meal that is good for my body, but feeling like there is NO time in the day. I know I'm not alone in feeling this, in fact,...

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#014 - Food + Mood: What's the Connection? enrich your body with nourishing food Mar 01, 2021

Hey friend! 👋
Let’s all say “Hellllooooo March!” 
I am SO excited for a new month with a new topic and all the new possibilities! 🎉
This month we’re talking FOOD! (I am defini...
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#013 - How and Where to Find Good, Inner Core Friends load up on love from your inner core Feb 22, 2021

Want to know what it's like to join a bike club and where you're the only one who has a beach cruiser complete with a basket and a bell? (I don't know, I never got that far. Find out why...)

Close in...

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#012 - Should My Spouse Be One of My Core Friends? load up on love from your inner core Feb 15, 2021

Who do you feel safe with?
Who helps you feel like you matter?
Is this your partner? If not, let's talk...
Your inner core consists of the people who you chose to be in your life who k...
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#011 - The A,B,Cs of Friendships load up on love from your inner core Feb 08, 2021

Have you ever been with a group of friends you enjoy being with, but you still felt lonely and disconnected?
I've been there too! You're at a social gathering and you just feel withdrawn -...
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#010 - Inner Core Friends: Why They're the Shiznet of Life load up on love from your inner core Jan 31, 2021

Major Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders. Over 17.3 million people are diagnosed each year.

What you may not know is that depression is also often confused with loneliness...

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#009 - How to Create Affirmations that Work visualize your best life Jan 26, 2021

Have you told yourself how great you are today (AND meant it!) ? There is no better time than right this second to remind yourself how amazing of a human you are!

We're talking ALL about affirmatio...

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