#013 - How and Where to Find Good, Inner Core Friends
Feb 22, 2021
Want to know what it's like to join a bike club and where you're the only one who has a beach cruiser complete with a basket and a bell? (I don't know, I never got that far. Find out why...)
Close inner core friendships are the shiznit of life. When you have a few good compadres, the world just seems to click. But how do we meet these people?
On today's podcast, I'm answering the question: Where and How can I meet good A-friends?!
Children easily make friends on the playground or at school. At school dances groups of friends take over the dance floor -- but what about adults? With our busy schedules, jobs, and kids and that to-do list that never ends, where do we find inner-core friends we can feel close with?
I've got answers! 🎉
Friendships can be made at aaaaany age. It’s all about figuring out where to meet new people who share your interests.
Remember, it isn’t about who you’ve known the longest. It’s about who walked into your life, said “I’m here” and proved it.
Plus, at the end of this episode, I'm giving tips on how to be vulnerable. Big hint here: You won't have close friends without a little risk and self-disclosure.
Thanks for listening!