#013 - How and Where to Find Good, Inner Core Friends
Feb 22, 2021
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Want to know what it's like to join a bike club and where you're the only one who has a beach cruiser complete with a basket and a bell? (I don't know, I never got that far. Find out why...)
#012 - Should My Spouse Be One of My Core Friends?
Feb 15, 2021
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Who do you feel safe with?
Who helps you feel like you matter?
Is this your partner? If not, let's talk...
Your inner core consists of the people who you chose to be in your...
#011 - The A,B,Cs of Friendships
Feb 08, 2021
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Have you ever been with a group of friends you enjoy being with, but you still felt lonely and disconnected?
I've been there too! You're at a social gathering and you just feel withdrawn...
#010 - Inner Core Friends: Why They're the Shiznet of Life
Jan 31, 2021
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Major Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders. Over 17.3 million people are diagnosed each year.
What you may not know is that depression is also often confused with ...
#004 - How do I get through the holidays when I can’t see all my family?
Dec 20, 2020
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Are you feeling disconnected and alone this holiday season? That totally makes sense!
2020 has been the year of unpredictability, masks, and social distancing. Rather than dwelling...
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