#004 - How do I get through the holidays when I canβt see all my family?
Dec 20, 2020
Are you feeling disconnected and alone this holiday season? That totally makes sense!
2020 has been the year of unpredictability, masks, and social distancing. Rather than dwelling on who we can’t be with this holiday season, let’s talk about all the ways we can still be connected to those we love.
To start, I’d like to talk about what a gathering is because it is actually different than being gathered. A gathering is when a group of people just get together in the same space. FEELING gathered is feeling at peace in your current physical and emotional space. The holidays are a time where, normally, we both gather and feel gathered. This is a time when we are with the ones we hold dear to our hearts who also make us feel warm and cozy when they give us the best hugs. If there is one thing we can ALL agree on -- 2020 has been far from what many of us consider normal.
How are we supposed to feel that joy of the holidays if we’re missing out on those annual family bear hugs? You’re in luck -- that is the question we are answering today!
I don’t want you to think that this is supposed to be easy. It totally is NOT. 2020 has been the year of curveballs and constantly testing us on a mental and emotional level. We’ve lost so much of the control in our daily lives that we’re used to having. Not being able to celebrate the holidays like we want to is just the icing on the pandemic cake.
Let’s talk about how to still feel the joy of the holidays while keeping ourselves AND our loved ones safe:
Being together -- still a thing!
Small groups w/ people you know and feel comfortable with
Wear masks
Stay 6 ft apart
SAY: In the small groups, you share stories, talk about common challenges, and laugh together. Those intimate, vulnerable moments are crucial right now. The energy of a person, even when they are six feet away and masked, is palpable.
Being together virtually -- it can still feel good!
I often remind myself: this is still a real person that you can watch, see, and be present with
Although not a place where you can physically touch, the virtual world is still an excellent place to see the person you love and feel seen. Sit on your patio or your favorite place on the sofa, grab a drink, and enjoy one another’s company. Take in their surroundings, hear the sound of their voice, feel what it’s like to be there with them because you are with them.
Love the one you’re with -- value of immediate family through the holidays: your intimate partner and children
I don’t have extended family that gets together
Always felt a tinge of longing and FOMO - sadness
Go ALL OUT with immediate family - don’t shortchange yourself
Cook together, eat, laugh, tell stories, watch football, complete a puzzle, take a nap, or snuggle.
Feeling gathered this holiday season is possible. I challenge you to not roll over and give in to the idea that because we have to maintain a safe distance, we can’t feel the joy and love we deserve. YOU deserve to feel happy and healthy while still being connected!
Happy Holidays!