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#010 - Inner Core Friends: Why They're the Shiznet of Life

load up on love from your inner core Jan 31, 2021

Major Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders. Over 17.3 million people are diagnosed each year.

What you may not know is that depression is also often confused with loneliness. And, loneliness is often confused with depression.

Have you felt lonely or depressed? Did you know how to decipher the two?

We’ve all felt lonely in our lives, but chronic loneliness can lead to some serious mental health issues. 

Loneliness can feel isolating. 

However, loneliness comes to a halt when we build social connections.

There are three main reasons people need people. Besides the increase of mental health and wellness, loading up on love from your inner core helps you:

  1. Feel like you belong
  2. Feel supported, and
  3. Feel a sense of purpose.

I talk about all three of these on this week’s Jen and Friend’s Lovecast.

Once you’ve listened, hop on over to join the conversation in the Facebook Community. 

Join the conversation at The Happiness Collective!

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