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#007 - Reverse Engineer Your Life: Setting Goals for a Lifetime

visualize your best life Jan 10, 2021

We survived the first week of 2021! We are officially into the new year and I hope you’re feeling motivated and ambitious! Are you visualizing what this year is going to look like for you? I hope so! You need to "see" to believe, my friend! 

Last week I talked to you about that scary BIG, HAIRY, AUDACIOUS GOAL (BHAG for short)...which I really hope you’ve started thinking about! Is it intimidating? Heck yeah!...but anything really worth going after is always going to be a liiiitle scary. 

This week, I am going to answer the question, “How do I create a vision for my WHOLE life?” I know, I know.. That is A LOT to think about. Don’t worry, today I am going to break it down into bite size pieces! 

Visualizing is nothing more than mentally rehearsing what is going to happen in the future. I want you to visualize what your future life looks like. Is that before, or after, you BHAG? When you visualize, you will think up a specific outcome or you’ll think about the steps you need to take to get to the finish line. 

In this episode, we are going to discuss outcome, process, AND the pursuit of happiness. I am going to break it ALL down for you! 

I am so happy you’re here!


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