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#005 - An Appointment With Numero Uno

visualize your best life Dec 27, 2020

These days I'm hearing many of my clients and even friends talk about how frazzled, stressed, and anxious they are. There's indeed a heaviness with all of us right now, but it's also more than that. On today's lovecast, I'm answering the question, “How do I refocus and renew for 2021?"

As hard as it is, we have to refocus for 2021, and I believe we can make this an amazing year despite how bad 2020 has been. I’m giving you 5 strategies for making yourself a priority on today’s podcast.

5 Strategies to Pencil Yourself In:

  1. Use a visual calendar.
  2. Add in sleep (a big chunk of time)
  3. Add in time you give to others.
  4. Eyeball your calendar to see what you’re giving away to others when you could be giving to yourself
  5. Schedule in your biggest self-love priorities in open spaces
    • Prioritizing your self-care means you value yourself.
    • Say no to others (while saying yes to yourself)
    • An appointment with yourself is still an appointment
    • Don't forget to schedule in spontaneous time!

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